Adminer - Plugins
Adminer and Adminer Editor can be extended by plugins. To use a plugin
User contributed plugins
- allowed-prefixes (Martin Macko): Show only tables with user set prefixes (2025-03-18)
- Bootstrap-Like Design (Natan Felles): User interface inspired by the Bootstrap Framework with Font-Awesome icons. (2025-02-27)
- Camera Upload (Marcelo Gennari): Upload images from Adminer to server's disc (needs WebcamJS library) (2025-03-17)
- collations (Pematon): Custom character sets in collation select boxes (2025-03-16)
- colorfields (Prema van Smuuf): Display colors if color codes (HEX, RGB) are present in cells (2016-04-21)
- colors (Filip Procházka): Color ribbon based on server (2016-04-12)
- Column Comment (Tomohito Higuchi): Show column comments in table headers (2025-03-16)
- convention-foreign-keys (Ivan Nečas): Links for foreign keys by convention
- Copy (Adil Yildiz): Copy cell content to clipboard using right click (2020-02-17)
- CustomizeThemeBasedOnServer (Michael Mokroß): Add a server-specific CSS file to the current theme (2025-03-16)
- DB-structure (Emanuele Toscano): Generates an AI-friendly markdown schema for your database or selected tables (2025-03-11)
- Disable tables (Andrea Mariani): Disable tables based on the name (2025-03-17)
- DisplayForeignKeyName (Bruno Vibert): Display the first CHAR/VARCHAR column of a foreign key (2024-09-19)
- dump-markdown (Federico Thiella): Export table data as markdown (2025-03-12)
- dump-xml-dataset (Michal Brašna): Dump to XML format specifically PHPUnit's XML DataSet structure (2025-03-16)
- DumpMarkdownDict (sc419): Export table structure as markdown (2019-02-15)
- FasterTablesFilter (Martin Macko): Filter tables menu faster than the official plugin (2025-03-18)
- favorites tables (Ladislav Ševcůj): Pin favorite tables in table menu (needs jQuery library) (2016-12-16)
- FillLoginForm (Pavel Kutáč): Fill login form by set values (2025-03-11)
- fk-disable (Andrea Mariani): Disable foreign key checks for selected queries (2025-03-17)
- floatThead (Stano Paška): Floating table headers (needs jQuery and floatThead) (2025-03-16)
- folder-import (Roy-Orbison): Import SQL files from server's disc (2025-03-16)
- ForeignKeys (Marek Hučík): Show links to related tables by foreign key (2019-12-10)
- HideableColumns (Stephan): Hide columns from tables by Alt+click on column header (2023-03-21)
- HideTables (Pavel Kutáč): Hide tables from table menu (2025-03-11)
- imagefields (Ladislav Gálik): Load images from their URL and show them in the tables (2023-10-05)
- input-uuid-generator (Pavel Kutáč): Adds buttons to cells to create UUIDs (2025-03-11)
- ispconfig (Natan Felles): Authenticate and auto-check host by ISPConfig Remote API (2017-11-16)
- jsonPreview (Pematon): Display JSON values as table (2025-03-16)
- JsonVarDumper (Marc Christenfeldt): Export table data to JSON (needs symfony/var-dumper) (2020-05-18)
- login-external (Roy Orbison): Login from external source without exposing credentials (2025-03-17)
- login-servers-enhanced (CrazyMax): Display a list of predefined database servers in login form (2021-07-25)
- loginServers (Pematon): Display list of predefined servers with different drivers in login form (2025-03-16)
- nette-user-login (Mikuláš Dítě): Nette framework user login (2012-08-22)
- one-click-login (Sérgio Freitas): Display a list of predefined database servers to login with just one click (2018-07-18)
- PHP Export (Adrian Andreescu): Export table data to PHP arrays (2023-03-24)
- PHP Serialized Data (Don Wilson): Display serialized PHP values as table in edit (2025-03-17)
- readable-dates (Dora Bulkins): Replaces UNIX timestamps with human-readable dates in your local format (2018-02-06)
- resize (Tiago Gil Marques): Resize table menu (needs jQuery and jQuery cookie libraries) (2020-11-11)
- restore-menu-scroll (Jiří Petruželka): Remembers and restores scollbar position of side menu (2025-03-18)
- SchemaDefaultToPublic (Martin Zubek): Objects not found in current scheme are also searched for in the public scheme (PostgreSQL only) (2025-03-16)
- searchAutocomplete (Stephan): Excel-like behaviour with auto-complete in the search-fields (2022-08-30)
- Show Table Row (Kazuhiro Ogihara): Show one table row on a single page (2025-03-17)
- simpleMenu (Pematon): Displays only the prefered action in table menu (2025-03-16)
- stickyColumns (Stephan): Keep columns and table headers always in sight when scrolling (2022-08-30)
- suggest-tablefields (Andrea Mariani): Suggest fields and table names in sql editor (2025-03-17)
- table-filter (Gábor Zabojszky-Horvath): Filter tables menu, works only with custom themes where table list is floated (needs jQuery library) (2020-05-27)
- tables-fuzzy-search (Bruno Duyé): Fuzzy search (filter) in tables list (2017-10-12)
- tables-history (Ale Rimoldi): Show the history of the last selected tables (2014-06-06)
- tablesCollapse (Tiago Gil Marques): Collapse tables (needs jQuery and jQuery cookie libraries) (2020-11-13)
- Theme Switcher (Victor Nogueira): Switch themes from browser or command line (2025-03-17)
- tree-view (Petro Kostyuk): Display related rows from different tables in one page (2025-03-16)
- XLSX Dump (Tomohito Higuchi): Export table data to XLSX (needs SheetJS and FileSaver.js libraries) (2025-03-16)
Adminer 5 plugins require using a namespace. Older plugins can be converted by a script.
To use a plugin
To use a plugin, upload it to adminer-plugins/
directory next to adminer.php
file. If the plugin needs some configuration or you want to specify order of the plugins, use adminer-plugins.php
<?php // adminer-plugins.php
return array(
new AdminerLoginPasswordLess('$2y$07$Czp9G/aLi3AnaUqpvkF05OHO1LMizrAgMLvnaOdvQovHaRv28XDhG'),
// You can specify all plugins here or just the ones needing configuration.
To create a new plugin
- Create a class containing any methods defined in the
class (documentation).
- If these methods return a non-
value then it will be used instead of the original (except dumpFormat
, dumpOutput
, editRowPrint
, editFunctions
where the return value is appended to the original).
- Methods can also overwrite their parameters by accepting them by reference:
- If you would like to publish the plugin on this page then upload it somewhere (e.g. to GitHub Gist) and send the link to: