Adminer - Plugins

Adminer and Adminer Editor can be extended by plugins. To use a plugin

User contributed plugins

Adminer 5 plugins require using a namespace. Older plugins can be converted by a script.

To use a plugin

To use a plugin, upload it to adminer-plugins/ directory next to adminer.php file. If the plugin needs some configuration or you want to specify order of the plugins, use adminer-plugins.php:

<?php // adminer-plugins.php
return array(
    new AdminerLoginPasswordLess('$2y$07$Czp9G/aLi3AnaUqpvkF05OHO1LMizrAgMLvnaOdvQovHaRv28XDhG'),
    // You can specify all plugins here or just the ones needing configuration.

To create a new plugin

  1. Create a class containing any methods defined in the Adminer class (documentation).
  2. If these methods return a non-null value then it will be used instead of the original (except dumpFormat, dumpOutput, editRowPrint, editFunctions where the return value is appended to the original).
  3. Methods can also overwrite their parameters by accepting them by reference: f(&$param).
  4. If you would like to publish the plugin on this page then upload it somewhere (e.g. to GitHub Gist) and send the link to: