Adminer - Translations

If you would like to create a new translation for Adminer then follow these steps:

  1. Download current source codes from Git.
  2. Copy file adminer/lang/ to adminer/lang/, where __ is your ISO 639-1 language code.
  3. Translate all values in the $translations array. Use UTF-8 encoding.
  4. Plurals should be translated as arrays: '%d beer(s)' => array('%d beer', '%d beers'). If your language uses other rules than English (singular for 1, plural for anything else) then indicate this in comment.
  5. Add a value into the $langs array in file adminer/include/
  6. Review the translation by pointing your browser to adminer/index.php.
  7. Send a pull request on GitHub.
  8. The translation will be published under the Apache and GPL Licenses.

To update an existing translation

  1. Run lang.php xx where xx is your language code.
  2. Add missing translations.
  3. Send a pull request on GitHub.

Thanks for your contribution!